Sunday, May 10, 2009

10...9...8...7...back to when im SIX!!

~1st blog entry should always start with a lil sumting bout the author rite?..well here it is!!~
I found this pic while looking through my scrapbook....
it was taken when i graduated from tadika 13 years ago...

okay!! 13 YEARS AGO!!!!...
thats how fast time zooms by and it pound on me
that i’ve graduated 3 times, from tadika, primary and sec!!!
prolly a couple years from now, i’d reach my legally marrying age
Well..just a brief description of that pic....
I was involved in a fancy dress contest back then
and mum dressed me up like sum Japanese doll in a green kimono..
It looked fantastic i guess?..(narcissist eh?)...
since i came in 1st place in that contest..woohooohooo..

Well...all thanks to my mum...
nothing proves her gr8 sense of style better than that trophy in my hands
*kudos to mum* =)
As cliché as it may sound....time flies the fastest when you’re having a gr8 time
can’t believe that i’ll have to start saying im twenty next year..
soon..i wont be having a TEEN behind my age anymore...=(

SO..betta enjoy my life right now before i hit those even numbers..
coz after’ll all be plain adult business...


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