Friday, May 15, 2009

MI - Macro Impossible

So...would you knock mine down?..=]
okay~....i tink i screwed macro
1st time getting that "ah i think i might fail" kinda feeling
ARGH!!...can't believe i've devoted my every waking hour
to study a subject that killed me simply because
i DID NOT expect PAST YEAR QUESTIONS to be asked again!!!
As TIRED and EXHAUSTED as i am right now
prolly bcoz i've seen 3 consecutive sunrises in this week alone.=)
Its amazing how i still can salvage enough energy to blog
guess blogging is really destressing..=)
im lovin it!
gee...Ms Ng sure is tricky..=P

1 comment:

  1. love this one too...
    the phrase is true eh?!
    that's cool! =)
